Oriental Wedding Symbol Meanings

Asian weddings are filled with symbols and traditions that signify benefits of happiness, success, luck and goodwill. The Chinese figure for double happiness (simplified:; traditional:; pinyin: shuangxi) asianbrides.org/chinese-brides/ is one particular symbol that is used in many Asian wedding ceremonies and decorations along with invitations and red packets.

The dragon https://togetherwomenrise.org/programfactsheets/vacha-charitable-trust/ and phoenix az are two other significant Chinese symbols included in weddings. The dragon denotes wealth and strength intended for the soon-to-be husband while the phoenix, az symbolizes loveliness and grace designed for the new bride. The two mythical beings are often padded on the couple’s clothing or incorporated seeing that headpieces in the bride’s hair.


During the formal procedure, the groom and bride traditionally provide tea for their parents, in-laws and close family and friends. This can be a time to get the bride and groom to show their particular gratitude for all the love and support they have received from their father and mother and forefathers in their life time. The tea is offered with a mixture of lucky fruits such as jujube, peanuts, longan and lotus seed. These fruits have different meanings such as jujube implies wealth, longan to get fertility, and peanuts designed for abundance.

As the bride makes her approach into the groom’s house, the woman with typically accompanied by a dancing big cat or Chinese unicorn (qilin qi lin) as a very good omen and also to protect her from malignant spirits. Your woman as well knocks more than a container of rice before joining the groom’s home which in turn represents riches and good luck in their new marriage.

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